The Air-Sea Interaction (ASI) submesoscale: physics and impact
Nov 8, 2024·,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
0 min read
Nuijens, L.
Wenegrat, J.
Lopez Dekker, P.
Pasquero, C.
O’Neill, L.
Ardhuin, F.
Ayet, A.
Bechtold, P.
Bruch, W.
Laurindo, L.
Chen, X.
Desbiolles, F.
Foster, R.
Frenger, I.
George, G.
Giesen, R.
Hayden, E.
Hell, M.
Iyer, S.
Kousal, J.
Laxague, N.
Lenain, L.
Maia Pacheco, M.
N. Meroni, A.
Minobe, S.
Muller, C.
O’Driscoll, O.
Oerder, V.
Pizzo, N.
Putrasahan, D.
Redelsperger, J-L.
Renault, L.
Rommen, B.

Sauvage, C.
Schneider, N.
Shao, M.
Siebesma, P.
Small, J.
Stevens, B.
Stoffelen, A.
Strobach, E.
Sullivan, P.
Thompson, E.
Thompson, L.
Uchoa, I.
Vandemark, D.
Villas Boas, B.
Yang, B.
Zhang, D.
Zippel, S.
During a 2023 Lorentz Workshop in Leiden, the Netherlands, a diverse community working in atmospheric and oceanic sciences and in observations and modeling met to discuss emerging ideas and questions on physical air-sea interaction (ASI) processes at the ASI submesoscale, where submesoscale is meant to include both ocean submesoscale and atmosphere mesoscale interactions. This white paper presents a strategy to unravel this emerging research theme, introducing a proposed definition of the ASI submesoscale and a hierarchy of possible interactions, as well as leading challenge questions for different ocean and atmosphere phenomena. It also outlines opportunities to target these questions, inviting the scientific community to take up the challenge to combine efforts across the different disciplines.
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