Research Interests

I am currently a Research Associate III at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) working with Dr. Hyodae Seo and Dr. Carol Anne Clayson, with an interest in contributing to a deeper understanding of the air-sea interactions and how the ocean can modulate the global and regional climate.

In order to tackle these topics, I use coupled Earth system models (i.e. SCOAR Regional Coupled Model) involving interactions between the atmosphere, the ocean and the ocean surface waves. Along with numerical simulations, extensive use of available observation dataset made in the marine boundary layer is needed to assess the current modeling capability and how it can be improved.

A better understanding and representation of the air-sea interaction in numerical models can have crucial implications in weather forecast but also in assessing offshore wind energy.

Wind and waves evolution during Winter 2020 from ECMWF Reanalysis v5 (ERA5).

Recent Publications: (see full list)

Published (Peer-Reviewed)


  • Sauvage, C., Seo, H., Barr, B. W., Edson, J. B., & Clayson, C. A. (2024). Misaligned wind-waves behind atmospheric cold fronts. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 129, e2024JC021162. .
  • Bouin, M.-N., Lebeaupin Brossier, C., Malardel, S., Voldoire, A., and Sauvage, C.: The wave-age-dependent stress parameterisation (WASP) for momentum and heat turbulent fluxes at sea in SURFEX v8.1, Geosci. Model Dev., 17, 117–141, gmd-17-117-2024 , 2024.


  • Sauvage, C., Seo, H., Clayson, C.A. and Edson, J.B.: Improving wave-based air-sea momentum flux parameterization in mixed seas, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 128, e2022JC019277, DOI: 10.1029/2022JC019277, 2023

Recent Talks: (see full list)

  • 5th Workshop on Waves and Wave-Coupled Processes, Reading, UK, Apr. 2024.
    Sauvage C., H. Seo, B. Barr, J. B. Edson and C-A. Clayson: Misaligned Wind-Waves Behind Atmospheric Cold Fronts. Talk.
  • Ocean Science Meeting 2024, New Orleans, LA, USA, Feb. 2024.
    Sauvage C., H. Seo, J. B. Edson and C-A. Clayson: Air-Sea Flux Impacts Over Misaligned Waves During Atmospheric Cold Fronts. Talk.